byacs (byacs) wrote,

Российский цирк.

Театр одного актера... К футбольному чемпионату.

Автор - словенский актер и телеведущий Клемен Слаконья.

А вот текст. Думаю и переводить не надо.

Harasho, harasho,
I run this freakin' show!
You think I can't speak English?
There's nothing I don'€™t know.
I know that World War III , nobody wants to see,
so please EU and USA don't mothersuckers mess with me.
Yes I Ken
cause I'm the president wit the greatest plan,
to make my Mother Russia number 1 again,
and by the way I hit better than Jackie Chan,
I'm gentleman.

Do you want peace or you wanna piece of me?
I've got gas you see,
don'€™t play games with me.
You want my gas?
Well, you can kiss my ass!
When I play chess be quiet or eat my Pussy Riot!

Putin, Putout,
Putin, Putout,
Putin, Putout, Putout, Putin, Putout, Putin, Putin, Putout!
Putin, Putout,
Putin, Putout,
Putin, Putout, Putout, Putin, Putout, Putin, Putin, Putout!
Putin, Putout!
Putin, Putout!
Putin, Putout, Putout, Putin, Putout, Putin, Putin, Putout!
Putin, Putout!
Putin, Putout!
Messin' with Putin
is a sin!

It's great to be president of the biggest country,
you can have Winter Olympic Games in 40 degrees,
and by the way, Eurovision is so gay,
just please don't take my soccer World Cup 2018 away!

I sang for charity, la la,
and tranquilized a tiger on a killing spree€, bang bang,
I fight terrorism with my big army,
I am nice,
why oh why can't I get a Nobel Peace Prize?!

Do you want peace or you wanna piece of me?
I've got gas you see,
don't play games with me.
You want my gas?
Well, you can kiss my ass!
If you are a prick - suck my Moby Dick!

Putin, Putout,
Putin, Putout,
Putin, Putout, Putout, Putin, Putout, Putin, Putin, Putout!
Putin, Putout,
Putin, Putout,
Putin, Putout, Putout, Putin, Putout, Putin, Putin, Putout!
Putin, Putout!
Putin, Putout!
Putin, Putout, Putout, Putin, Putout, Putin, Putin, Putout!
Putin, Putout!
Putin, Putout!
Messin' with Putin
is a sin!

Niet I won't stop!
Until I wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin!
Putin, Putout, Putout, Putin, Putout, Putin, Putin, Putout,
Putin, Putout, Putin, Putout,
Tags: Россия, Россия и Европа, современность, юмор

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